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Five Days to Raise your Vibration

  • 11 Steps


When you shine your light brighter, you inspire others to shine their light that little bit brighter too. You have an energy signature, and just like your fingerprint; your energy signature will not change over time. You are always going to be you, but the brightness and the lightness and the vibrancy of you, the heaviness and the dullness and the slowness of you, the contentment, the peace and the joy, the beauty and the power and the capacity of you…. That is what changes. How depleted you feel, how exhausted, how powerless you think you are, the heaviness, the grief the shame that you carry, beneath it all, it’s always you. This is your energy signature, whether you’re depressed or suicidal or totally enlightened or at peace. So when I say Raise your Vibration, I mean you will raise the vibration of your energy signature, and in this class we do it in 5 days.

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