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Creating Good, Strong, Energetic Boundaries

  • 8 Steps


Good, strong energetic boundaries are vital for healers, empaths and caregivers. They are vital for anyone in a relationship of any kind. We need to claim our space in the world, keep our personal power here, with us. When we have good strong energetic boundaries we are able to bring our presence more strongly into the world. There are three sessions in this programme, you take them over three weeks. The first two sessions are video/audio based, the third is a written session with audio meditations, talking points and re-enforcement of the learning from the first two weeks. These are healing sessions. There is healing in my voice. The deeper you go, the more you will reveal, and it may initiate a clearing/detox in you as you step into the next level of your life. Go at your own pace and ask for help if you need to.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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