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Heal your Inner Wounded Adult

  • 8 Steps


Your inner wounded adult needs compassion, kindness, tolerance and patience. We have done the work of the inner child and of the inner teen, but you still carry the wounds of adulthood. This 3 session course is based on the work of my book Heal your Inner Wounds, and the wounding that we focus on is that which may have happened to you as an adult, after the age of 20. You will need to bring your inner child and your inner teenager to these sessions, for they will have been triggered by whatever trauma you might have experienced from the age of 20, to today. It is recommended that you have already taken my other programmes Heal your Inner Child, and Heal your Inner Teenager, but it is not required. The main body of work focuses on you, the adult, to help you to release the shock, to heal your boundaries, and to give you tools and strategies so you can shift away from coping and surviving, and start living.

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