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The Inner Compass

Abby's first novel is a work of Magical Realism, written in three parts. Go on a journey of spiritual enlightenment and a true adventure to find out the truth of who we really are.

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Book 1 of The Inner Compass Trilogy

Meet Marissa! She's a psychotherapist in training going through a spiritual crisis. I bring all of my wisdom into this book along with writing a thrilling rollercoaster of a story that you can escape into.


Buy the eBook or Paperback, via all online bookshops.

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Natalie, All Books Great and Small

The book is a spiritual journey but not shoved down your throat. I enjoyed reading about Marissas journey and her discoveries along the way. Her journey isn't all plain sailing and she has some lows along with highs. Her character was very realistic and the author did a great job of simplifying concepts that could have been difficult to understand. I look forward to reading more from this beautiful series.


Book 2 of The Inner Compass Trilogy

Marissa is in shock! She doesn't know what to do after the tumultuous experience she has had.​ Will she give up spiritual life altogether, or is there another way she can move through this? To find out, you need to buy the eBook or Paperback, via all online bookshops.

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Marie Claude

Extraordinary sequel to Awakening Here in this second instalment of the Inner Compass Trilogy we are transported again into Marissa's world, full of magic and deep insights which are truly compelling . It feels like an initiation novel, and I got really attached to Marissa, could not put the book down. Abby Wynne managed to present us with this wonderful character who is highly relatable and in a way that flows really well.


Book 3 of The Inner Compass Trilogy

No longer able to keep the door to the otherworld closed, Marissa decides that a life filled with magic, beauty and love is much more attractive to the alternative. But letting magic in has consequences, some of which Marissa is not quite prepared for.

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Marie Claude

Wonderful conclusion to the Trilogy. In this last instalment we are taken back to dear Marissa and her spiritual awakening. I loved the whole trilogy so much because as I witnessed Marissa's healing, I felt that I was also healing on a similar level. Reading (devouring more like...) this book along with Awakening and Transformation has been a magical journey for me and I look forward to a second reading, slower this time so I can savour each page!
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