About Abby
I am a shamanic practitioner, a psychotherapist, a mindfulness teacher and a Reiki/Seichem master teacher. As a therapist I learned how to weave all of my skills together so that I could embody them all, so I can work with whatever my client presented to me in the moment without needing to stop and look something up in a book. My way of working has grown from there.
I am a catalyst for people’s healing processes, a problem solver, a creative artist, an alchemist, a healer, a mother, a daughter, a lover of life.
We are more than our roles, we are the pure essence of life, the roles come afterwards. Healing is letting go of everything that is not who we are, to step fully into our own essence of being. We are all of equal value, but we are not the same.
In a world that sets other people's feelings over what is true, I have come to believe that our truth does not equal The Truth. The most powerful gift that we can offer ourselves is to live authentically, congruently and with integrity, as close to The Truth as we possibly can.

A little background information...
I have a masters degree in science and worked as a research biologist for 2 years in Sydney, Australia. I also was head marine biologist for the only aquarium in Dublin for the first year of its existence.
I was a computer trainer, an instructional designer and a scriptwriter for an e-learning company.
I worked for the Irish Training and Employment Authority for three years, specialising in apprenticeship qualification standards.
It was not what I wanted, but I learned who I was through these experiences.
Knowing who you are is the greatest gift that you can give to yourself.
I set up the Ranelagh Holistic Centre 2010, then moved into my own private office in Fitzwilliam Square (the Harley Street of Dublin) then signed a book deal with Hay House. From that point on I have published more than 13 books across 4 different genres, with 3 different publishers! I am now based in Rathgar, and do most of my work online. I also choose to self-publish most of my work. You can find all my books here on my website, and on Amazon.
As I’ve been growing and changing over time my practice has grown and changed with me. I am blessed to be in a position to show up as myself, and do the work that I love - writing and facilitating healing.
I live in Dublin with my husband, four children and our dog and cat.
I love flowers - I grow them in my garden and spend as much time sitting in the sunshine as I can.
I never post photos of my family on my social media feeds as I want them to have their privacy. We grow our own food, we have lots of love in the house and all my children are best friends with each other – we live as we speak, we walk our talk.
Congruence, authenticity, as within, so without, is difficult but the most rewarding way to live. And when you work with me I connect to the responsible adult in you, teach you that you are more complex than you think, show you how to become the mother/father to the parts of you that need parenting, and how adults can have fun too.
The freedom is incredible – and bringing that freedom and lightness into everything you do is your soul’s purpose. I'm here to help you do it too - are you ready?