There is beauty in the world, and it is more important than ever before to raise our frequency and focus on what we want to see in the world, rather than drown in lower frequencies of fear. Before we can do it wholeheartedly, we need to give ourselves permission to receive and experience joy to it’s fullest.
Embracing Joy
Programme Content
There is so much focus right now on fear and pain, anger and hate, have you noticed? Has it affected you too? In ways that you know and ways that you don’t yet know?
The healing work that I’ve been doing recently is mostly around clearing anxiety, shame, guilt and pain. I’m sure you’ve been feeling it too - increased emotional sensitivity, increased fear levels, your body out of balance, feeling like something is wrong…
But there is beauty in the world, and it is more important than ever before to raise our frequency and focus on what we want to see in the world, rather than drown in lower frequencies of fear. Before we can do it wholeheartedly, we need to give ourselves permission to receive and experience joy to it’s fullest.
I want to offer something new, something different - something lighter, that will bring more joy into the lives of everyone that says “yes” to it. Something that will be tailored to your needs, that will help you centre and calm yourself, and really put you on the pathway of bringing joy in. It’s up to you - I can help you , but you have to do this yourself. I have the map of the ‘how” - are you ready to change your trajectory?
This is a self-paced course, all the webinar sessions are AUDIO only. You can listen to them as often as you wish but it is recommended that you listen to them in the correct order the first time you do it.
The sessions are as follows:
Releasing Fear of Joy - We will look at the fears around embracing joy, change your magnetism, realign your energies so you’re no longer afraid of fear, do some ancestral healing and work with whatever else comes up in the group.
Soul Contracts - Here we will look at the reasons why you’ve come to earth - the lessons you’ve signed up to learn, the experiences that you have signed a contract to carry out. We will go into the work of the Soul Contract - changing what you’ve signed up to so you can move away from painful relationships and the belief that you are not worthy to live your happy life now.
Embracing Joy - Why wait? Let’s do it now! There will be follow up from the previous two sessions, where I will look at what has come up for the group both as a group, and for individuals. There will be more clearing and healing, and another chance to release and transform what is in the way of you embracing joy.
Fourth and final session is - Embody the F* out of that Joy - As we shift and transform our fears and move more into joyful living, this final session of the 4 is to consolidate, solidify, close off loose ends and boost your confidence that you can do this yourself. Because you will be able to after all the work we will have done!
You can jump right in!
About Self-Paced Programmes
Self-paced means exactly that - you do it at your own pace. You are empowered in your healing process when you take a self-paced programme because completing it is totally up to you.
You can also do half a session, work with what has come up for you, and then go back to it in your own time. Just note that in my sessions there is healing, so if you stop in the middle of a section where healing is being offered to you, your energy field may be open, and that could have an impact on you depending on what you are doing next.
Here's something you can do to close it down yourself, if you are needing to step away from the work:
Visualise a bubble of golden light surrounding your energy field and your physical body completely.
Feel it solidifying, and containing you in your current state
Then spend a moment or two checking-in with yourself to ask yourself if you are okay before you commence your next activity.
Remember - you might go into a healing process which means that emotions can come up for you as they are leaving your body. Don't ask yourself what the emotion is, just allow it to move through you as it is clearing. Breathe through it if it becomes intense. you can also take time outside in nature - go for a walk, or give yourself space to cry if needed.
As I said in the first paragraph, completing a programme is totally up to you. You also have the opportunity to go deeper with a programme once you have completed it. Make a date in your diary for 6 months time to give yourself space to digest the programme materials, then come back and do it again, and go deeper.
Finally - you may feel like you're on your own doing this as you are in full control, however there are many people working through these self-paced programmes and they're all invited to join my healing chat group. Come in and introduce yourself, ask a question, meet like-minded people. How much you share is totally up to you, just know that you are not alone. You might like to join my Healing Circle for additional support as you work through the material of this programme.
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