Heal your Inner Teenager
Based on the work of chapter 2 of my bestselling book, Heal your Inner Wounds, we go beyond the scope of the book.
These are active healing sessions that could transform your inner pain and heal your inner wounds, if you let them.
Why we need to Heal our Inner Teenager
Your Inner Teen needs to be Seen and Heard
There are many aspects of you that freeze in space and time when they do not get what they needed. As a culture, we do lots of work with our inner child, but sometimes it is our inner teenager that needs the healing.
Just as a real teenager can be difficult and rebellious, your inner teen can decide they don’t want to talk to you. So we will go gently with this online intensive as it may bring up many issues within you that may have been buried, and it might trigger a very angry teenager who wants to punish the world for what it has done or not done. However the good news is, once you befriend and work with your inner teen, they will be your friend, for life.
In this course we look at:
Who is your Inner Teen?
Telling the difference between your inner teen and your inner child
Helping you Inner Teen become more comfortable so they trust you
Remembering what your life was like as a teenager and comparing it to how you are holding it within your energy field
Healing the core teenage wounding
Masks – who do you become and to please whom and why?
Releasing the masks and becoming your true self
Stopping comparing yourself to others
Reclaiming your power from the people, places and things you gave it to as a teenager
A value audit, so you can catch up with yourself and become aligned with you as the adult that you are.
Based on my many years as a therapist, I draw from my client work and my own personal healing journey. Working with the material in my book and beyond, we will go on a journey to talk to our inner teenager, to befriend our inner saboteur, become more comfortable in our own skins and to feel empowered in the world.
It does not matter whether you have worked with me before, or not. All you need to bring with you to this online intensive is your intention to heal. It is recommended that you take my programme Heal your Inner Child first, but it is not necessary.
Remember that it is you, the responsible adult part of you, that is signing up for these sessions. If something does come up for you, i.e. you have had trauma in your life as a child, or as a teenager, you may need additional support while you do this work. So please have this in mind before you begin.
When you heal your inner teen you are more confident in who you are, you no longer need to bend your shape to please others, and you are empowered to make decisions without requiring someone else’s validation. Your life will change – are you ready?

Programme Content
Heal your Inner Teenager is composed of 3 sessions, with optional homework. You get the first session as soon as you sign up, the next 2 sessions are 7 days apart. You may not be ready to go in deep on first listen, so you could go in lightly the first time you do it, and then deeper the second time, once you are familiar with the territory. You get access to the programme for life, so you can repeat it in a year's time if you feel it would be beneficial to you. And having Heal your Inner Wounds as a resource is also helpful.
Session One – Meeting your Inner Teenager
Meet your inner teen, remember who they are, find out who they are not.
How to tell the difference between your inner child and your inner teen.
In this session there is a deep healing and cleansing to clear the blocks so you can start working in a clearer way with your own inner teenager.
We also look at what the wounding may have been, and we will do some healing for that too.
Session Two – Taking your Power Back
We follow-up from the previous session and open space to work with our inner teenagers. There are two big topics we will cover here: masks and power.
When we hide ourselves from people we lose touch with who we truly are. When we give our power away, we shrink and become prone to anxiety. There is a big exercise in my book where you can make paper masks, but we will not be doing that here. You can, however, do it yourself in your own time if you wish.
We will do energy clearing on masks, and we will do a power retrieval, and we will make the space for our inner teens to talk to us and tell us what they need us to hear. Again there will be homework for you to do.
Session Three – Embodiment and Grounding
We follow up from the previous sessions.
We look at how your empowered responsible adult can support yourself in day to day life, while holding and supporting your inner teen.
We will visit our value system and see if there is work there you need to do so that your current values and how you see the world are in alignment with your truth.
Again, there is a big exercise in my book that you can do after the session to go deeper with this particular theme.
We then close the programme with clearing and healing, and another chance to release and transform what is in the way of you embracing joy.
These are healing sessions – there is healing in my voice. To get the full benefit you need to give each session your full attention. It is advised that you create a safe space to listen where you will not be disturbed, please do not multitask, and most certainly do not listen while driving.
You may need to have additional support while you do the work of this programme, I am available if necessary for one to one sessions which are not included in the price of this self-paced course. You may consider becoming a member of my Healing Circle while you do your healing work, to avail of the different benefits that I have on offer to support you as you work.
These sessions are designed to be listened to more than once, so you can go deeper into different patterns and work with different aspects of yourself who appear to you at different ages. Take your time and go as deeply as you need.

About Self-Paced Programmes
Self-paced means exactly that - you do it at your own pace. You are empowered in your healing process when you take a self-paced programme because completing it is totally up to you.
Where Heal your Inner Teenager is scheduled to be delivered to you one each week for 3 weeks, you can take longer than 3 weeks to do each session, or you can sit them as they are delivered to you, complete the entire programme, then do it again.
The work is in layers - there is more here than you will hear on first listen. Repetition will help you peel back what is here and now for you, but there is always more.
You can also do half a session, work with what has come up for you, and then go back to it in your own time. Just note that in my sessions there is healing, so if you stop in the middle of a section where healing is being offered to you, your energy field may be open, and that could have an impact on you depending on what you are doing next.
Here's something you can do to close it down yourself, if you are needing to step away from the work:
Visualise a bubble of golden light surrounding your energy field and your physical body completely.
Feel it solidifying, and containing you in your current state
Then spend a moment or two checking-in with yourself to ask yourself if you are okay before you commence your next activity.
Remember - you might go into a healing process which means that emotions can come up for you as they are leaving your body. Don't ask yourself what the emotion is, just allow it to move through you as it is clearing. Breathe through it if it becomes intense. you can also take time outside in nature - go for a walk, or give yourself space to cry if needed.
You may need to have additional support while you do the work of this programme. I am available, if necessary, for one to one sessions. If you feel you need additional support during this online programme you can also order pure energy healing sessions.
As I said in the first paragraph, completing a programme is totally up to you. You also have the opportunity to go deeper with a programme once you have completed it. Make a date in your diary for 6 months time to give yourself space to digest the programme materials, then come back and do it again, and go deeper.
Finally - you may feel like you're on your own doing this as you are in full control, however there are many people working through these self-paced programmes and they're all invited to join my healing chat group. Come in and introduce yourself, ask a question, meet like-minded people. How much you share is totally up to you, just know that you are not alone.
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