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Healing with
Honey and Abby


The Story of Us!


Honey C Golden and Abby Wynne saw each other on The Mark Attwood Show and both of them wrote to Mark Attwood on the same day, asking for an introduction!

When they met for the first time on Zoom, they couldn't speak - their energy was doing all the talking. After a few days of 'catching up' with each other (because they've spent many lifetimes together and needed to 'catch up') they began activating each other and pooling together their energies as healers, to become even stronger together.

They're excited to collaborate and bring their unique style of healing to the world.

If you haven't met one of us, or both of us before, here's a little bit about who we are, and where to find us.

Who is Honey?

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Honey is an intuitive healer, artist, and author. Helping others heal, creating, and sharing brings her joy.  Honey works with her higher self to help others heal their subconscious, and with energy to help heal their bodies.

Find Honey:

Creative works can be found on

Books for Children on Amazon are "The Land of Nola" and "Home" by Honey Golden

Who is Abby?

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Abby is a Shamanic Psychotherapist, Spiritual Teacher  and bestselling author. She's written more than 13 books including Energy Healing and How to Be Well, published by Hay House. Her first work of fiction is The Inner Compass Trilogy, published in 2022/2023. She is a powerful healer who's work provides a structure and framework to guide and empower you to do your own inner work.  Find Abby on her website: and on her many social media channels.

You can buy the replay of our sessions together.
We will do more in 2024 - stay tuned!

Embracing the Divine Within:

Finding Joy and Compassion for your Body through Ascension Symptoms

Join Honey C Golden and Abby Wynne for a 90 minute healing session where they invoke calming energies to soothe the aches and pains, then go deep into energy healing to release anything that's blocking your body from absorbing the higher vibrational frequencies and light-codes. Abby will comb out the psychic viruses, third party entities and any emotional pain that does not belong to you, along with a clearing of karma and ties to your past contracts. Honey will sooth your soul and body and infuse participants with light, to ensure that the melding of soul and body is a smoother experience.

Here is what they cover in the replay:


Honey will:

  • Help you integrate your higher self

  • Help your crystalline body / christ-aligned body to settle in the current energies

  • Eliminate limiting beliefs that you have around your body

  • Give advice on healing elixirs, supplements and protocols that you can do for your physical body to give it a boost


Abby will:

  • Help you disconnect from everything outside of you and bring you into the present moment

  • Bring back your power from wherever you lost it and consolidate your energy field so you are less likely to loose it again 

  • Clear entities and tech that is stopping you from feeling at home in your physical body

  • Bring in your inner child and your inner teen (and inner young adult) so that you can all work together to love your body more

  • Bridge the gap between your future body and your body now, so that you can connect to it, feel that it is possible to have it, and communicate with it to get the best advice and help that you can get

The healing session is 90 minutes long. the healing is in the video. You can join Abby's healing channel on Telegram if you have any questions or need support. Here's the link: 

Embrace the Divine Within - Healing with Honey and Abby

Embrace the Divine Within - Healing with Honey and Abby

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Buy €67
“Providing the toolbox to help us find our own way home deserves a high commendation in my eyes. Of all the Zooms I have attended this is my favourite healing to date and am so grateful for you ( all ) for doing the things we all need.”

Patricia Heaslip, Australia

You can purchase the replay of Abby and Honey's healing session from May 2023

- The Greatest Love of All -
Recording only - €67


The Greatest Love of All - A healing session with Honey and Abby

The Greatest Love of All - A healing session with Honey and Abby

Watch Preview
Buy €67

Watch Abby and Honey Together on YouTube

Abby and Honey

Abby and Honey

Abby and Honey
Healing and Ascending! A Beautiful Chat with Abby and Honey!

Healing and Ascending! A Beautiful Chat with Abby and Honey!

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