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Mini Summer Bootcamp

Wed, 28 Jun


In your inbox, and my webinar room

Keep your vibration high! Let's do a short, sharp, mini summer bootcamp so I can help you stay focused on what matters most. Running June 28th until July 11th, an email and healing every day, a closing webinar and access to a private telegram group. Pay what you can, tickets start at €26.

Tickets are not on sale
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Mini Summer Bootcamp
Mini Summer Bootcamp

Time & Location

28 Jun 2023, 06:00 IST – 11 Jul 2023, 18:00 IST

In your inbox, and my webinar room


About the event

Raise Your Vibration Summer Mini-Bootcamp starts with a blast of distance healing from me to clear the cobwebs, then you get a daily email AND access to an exclusive Telegram chat-group where you can meet like minded-people, ask questions and share what's going on for you. I will also pop in there from time to time and answer your questions! Pay what you can, tickets start at €26, and you can pay it forward with more if you feel you want to.

For two weeks you will get an email from me EVERY DAY with healing, and an exercise that you can try yourself that will take between 10-15 minutes of your time each day. The emails go out early every morning (6am Irish time) and then you get the whole day to do the work.

Mini-Bootcamp ends with a webinar healing session with me where we look at what has come up for everyone, and I will clear it all. I will also download whatever messages we need, along with healing transmissions and give you support for your embodiment process so that your body can hold onto the frequency.

I will keep the Telegram chat open for 90 days so that you all have plenty of time to make friends and continue to share your healing process.

I have never run a mini-bootcamp before, and I've never done one in the Summer so I know there is good reason this year. Whatever is going on in the world, you can connect to me and to the energies of the group to help you shift whatever is in the way of living your best life, now.

Using your strong intention and my guidance we will work together using either via written word, audio files or video files that I will send you EVERY DAY for the duration of the 14 days straight to your Inbox. 

  • I will help you clear and heal whatever is holding you back in life. I will send healing and broadcast energetic transmissions to help you clear energy blocks, stuck emotions and entanglements in relationships.
  • I will also teach you how to clear entities, release stress and ground yourself so that you know how to do this for yourself.
  • The types of things we may also do include: deep grounding, receiving healing, cutting cords, releasing ancestral contracts, clearing past life wounding, healing trauma, releasing DNA and activating your higher self.

I work with the energies that present themselves to me in that moment. Anything goes! It always excites me to do this work, especially with groups.

Hope to see you there!!


  • 13 days 1 hour

    Daily Emails

    In your Inbox

  • 1 hour

    Closing Webinar

    In my webinar room

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